Videos of Bill

Arizona HicksNotes from Kevin Booth: During the making of Arizona Bay, Bill toiled for hours trying to keep his guitar in tune. He loved to change strings after every couple takes -- it kind of became an obsession. Kachina, the wolf, would walk into the studio and kiss Bill when the guitar was in tune, and so Kachina became our "Tuning Wolf."

Before his passing, Bill would dream about Kachina talking to him -- this wasn't too much of a stretch as she does have an incredible voice. On the track "The Elephant is Dead" (BUSH) Kachina & her older brother, Kitchi, can be heard howling & growling.

The American Indian considers the Wolf to be a brother because of how they talk and live in societies. Sometimes I feel Kachina & Kitchi still talk to Bill. For the wolf, death is just a transition, not a parting of ways.

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